Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Less than 24 hours!!

In approxiamately 21 hours, I will be on the plane to fly to France. I'm close to completely packed - I have my separate bag for the three days in Paris, and my two other suitcases containing what possesions I will have in Strasbourg (mostly clothes). Mostly, I'm incredibly excited. There are so many unknowns - what cities will I visit? What will my host family be like? How long until I don't get lost in Strasbourg trying to get from the house to school? What are the other students like? And, especially, what will it be like to study in a foreign conservatory? But those only add to the excitement. If I knew everything now, it would be much more boring. :)

So tomorrow I fly to Paris, and then Saturday it's on to Strasbourg, and I get to meet my host family. Classes start next Wednesday, the 10th, after orientations. Not much time to get settled! As soon as I'm used to the time zone, it's off to school.

In an attempt to figure out how to post pictures on my blog, I've included pictures of my new haircut, as of Friday. Please excuse the funny angle of the back of my hair - it's awfully difficult trying to take pictures of the back of your own head. :) (N.B. The time is already in France time. )

And that's all, folks.

Au revoir, Etas-Unis! Bonjour France!


Anonymous said...

I like your haircut!

romy said...

Apparently I'm logged in...weeeeeeird...Hope you had a safe flight!

Anonymous said...

yay nancy!! love the new hair :-)