Wednesday, January 3, 2007

In Paris :)

I am safely arrived in Paris, and have purchased 2 hours of internet access to use in the hostel over the newt few days. This allows enough time for some short posts. :)

Today, while utterly exhasuted from jet lag, I visited Napoleon's tomb at Les Invalides hospital (built during the time of Louis XIV for all the soldiers wounded, and which continued on as a hospital until after WWII). Our group also toured the Seine river - highlights being the Louvre, the Musee d'Orsay, the Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame (in my opinion anyway). I took lots and lots of pictures along the Seine - I'll share them later.


1 comment:

monica said...

I'm jealous...sounds like you're having fun! I'm glad you had a safe flight, can't wait to hear about everything! miss you like whoa!!!