Sunday, March 11, 2007

I'm back!

So, this is going to be a short post - any more specific details about Italy will be in a later post, after a few straight nights of good sleep and after I'm done with my presentation that somehow needs to be ready by Tuesday night...

However, I just spent a wonderfully fabulous week in Italy. I ended up visiting four cities during the week - Florence, Milan, Siena and a little time in Pisa. I also took over 250 pictures, and now have absolutely no idea what ones I'll choose to post. :)

Each city had it's own character, which was one reason I enjoyed my trip so much. That, combined with the very fun four days I spent with Beth and her friends prior to Italy, and all the gelato I ate in Italy. :)

So now it's time for bed, and off to my classes tomorrow, somehow. Tomorrow starts right off with French - that'll be interesting after my week of Italian/English...

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